Is it better to decorate the floor with wood or ceramic?

Reading: Good wood flooring or ceramic tile is always a controversial issue. The reason is that with wood floors and tiles are different. With the wooden floor tile also saw the following advantages and disadvantages of the two to know.

Is it better to decorate the floor with wood or ceramic?

Reasons to love wooden flooring

Natural wood gives a natural texture, comfortable and beautiful, with the so-called "upgrade" advantage. If the living room is covered with wooden floors, not only the foot feels comfortable, but also the impact sound on the floor can be greatly reduced, so that the room is warm and quiet.

The wooden floor is more “gentle”. If the family has an old person and the child falls, the wooden pallets are not easy to walk and cause too much damage, but if it is a tile, it will fall more seriously.

Wood floor defects

Although the wooden floor is beautiful, it needs more care and maintenance. Wood floor is affected by weather and moderate influence, easy to distort after flooding; requires regular waxing maintenance; easy to be scratched by sharp objects; formaldehyde release from composite wood floor; shorter service life than tiled wood floor .

Reasons to prefer tiles

Several obvious advantages of tiles are: easy to maintain, easy to maintain, not easy to hide, no air pollutants, long service life, generally will not be scratched, Qi Qiao and so on. If you prefer the convenience, choose the magnetic ring. The size of the tiles is also very rich in color and decoration. The decoration effect is comparable to the effect of the wooden floor. It is convenient to take care of it. Just sweep it and wipe it clean.

Several major defects of the tile

Tiles are less comfortable, cold, and feel harder and harder on the foot; they are less heat-insulating; the paving of the tiles is complicated, the construction is tedious, and it is easy to slip in wet seasons.

Can be used in accordance with the requirements of different regions, such as the kitchen, bathrooms are tiled walls, bedroom, living room floor wood flooring, to play the advantages of both.

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