20 pieces of classic quotations

If you finish the renovation and you find that the budget is overspending, you will not be able to remember exactly what went wrong in the end. In fact, in every process of the renovation, there may be reasons for the increase. When you think about it, you will find that if you are a good old man, then you must be careful if you are to decorate the following 20 classic quotations. If you want to upgrade your product, you must be careful to prevent it. Think of your own needs, if there is demand, it is a voluntary addition. Others just ignore it.


Classic Quotations I. "Proof of Qualification? I have!"

Lesson 1: A decoration company that undertakes home decoration must have a corresponding qualification certificate. Some decoration companies are affiliated with, contract companies, and some of the decoration contract intentionally missed the "agent" and other terms, once the problem is not found.   

Classic Quotations II, "Suddenly think of a good idea!"

Lesson 2: Some decoration companies will deliberately abandon some necessary projects when they make an offer, and then "add" the project after signing the contract. At this time, the unit price was decided by others.  

Classic Quotations III, "Help out, don't be so true, it's not easy for everyone to earn money."

Lesson 3: When you finish your checkout, you only need to wire one item and you can use more than 180 meters of wire. These wires can be wound around the house for 3 rounds. This kind of money is completely repetitive waste.

Classic Quotations IV, "Only imported stone can achieve the effect."

Lesson 4: Even if there are decorative materials that are cheaper and have better decorative effects, designers will not use them in their designs because building material companies will rebate decoration companies or designers.

Classic Quotations 5, "Two hundred are spent, it is better to paste one hundred to buy a good one."

Lesson 5: The decoration budget is such an over-expenditure... Some decoration companies have accepted the project at a low price, and will inevitably lay down “traps” in the following decoration. "Low price" is the "bait" of "fishing". Once the construction contract was signed, the decoration company began to "take off."

Classic Quotations VI, "I haven't slept for more than two months."

Lesson 6: The foreman or the worker will send the owner to buy it. In fact, many parts are counted in the project section. The foreman will always grasp various opportunities.

Classic Quotes Seven, “The same are all people, how is the difference so great!”

Lesson 7: Some decoration companies may promise discounts. After signing the contract, the decoration company will explain to consumers that only certain items can enjoy discounts, while high deposits are not refunded, leaving consumers unable to stop.

Classic Quotations VIII, "This room should be a cabinet in the partition."

Lesson 8: Plumbers and carpenters are the bulk of the money, so contractors do not persuade it. Moreover, carpentry is done at the owner’s house, which occupies space and dirt, and the paint is rich in flavor.

Classic Quotations 9, "I can't make it in sight!"

Lesson 9: Consumers generally pay more attention to the “visible and tangible” conventional engineering projects such as carpenters, bricklayers, and oil workers. However, little is known about concealed projects and some details. Many constructors are often here. Make a fuss.   

Classic Quotations Ten, "We throw these scraps for you?"

Lesson 10: What may be sold is not very valuable, but selling it without the owner’s consent is a matter of principle. It's best to say it in advance. This is a rule, and it's also a rule.

Decoration Caterpillar Duplex Decoration Minimalist Style Decoration Decoration Company Paint Decoration Design Space Decoration Decoration Decoration Company Decoration Decoration Partition Cabinet

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